Voice Of GO(r)D is proud to present a conversation with Guy Meister, a Nova Scotia trucker whose little daycab R Model Mack sat on Sussex Street in Downtown Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy.
Guys act of peaceful protest, of standing around in Ottawa drinking coffee with his fellow countrymen, has now earned him the bizarre pursuit of the Canadian government, who have engaged in a capricious and Kafka-esque case of Lawfare against Guy that has now run for over three years, and has seen Guy make the 2000 mile round trip from his home in Nova Scotia back to Ottawa 16 times for court.
So much for carbon emissions; as I type this, he is on trip number 17.
I found out about Guy from my good friend
Guy’s story is pretty incredible, and he represents, in an understated way, the best of the Canadian everyman - humble, hardworking, and totally apolitical until the Covid Regime came along and turned our world upside down.
Here are some of Donna’s articles about Guy
There’s plenty more.
Read more about Donna’s fantastic new book Thank You, Truckers! here, where she also lists a number of other awesome books about the Convoy that tell the truth about what really happened, and all of the lawfare and political persecution that has taken place since.
Donna has self-published the book, so unfortunately we have to order through Amazon, whom I regularly criticize for using the worst trucking contractors on the continent. Whaddya do?
In Canada -
United States -
I’ve got my copy here!
As mentioned in the intro, you can meet Guy and Donna this upcoming Sunday, March 16, at 630 pm, at the Biker’s Church of Ottawa, 155 Carillon Street.
Here is their website - https://www.bikerschurch.com/
Guy is back in Ottawa to continue fighting the bastards, and he has court dates scheduled for March 18, 19, and 24, all at 10am at the Ontario Court of ‘Justice’ in Ottawa, 161 Elgin Street.
If you are around and can make it, I’m sure he would love a show of support.
This get together is being organized by the wonderful Melissa McKee, and you can follow her on Twitter - https://x.com/TheMelissaMckee
Guy is being represented by Brian Doody of Doody Counsel (great name, lol) and you can follow Mr Doody on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Lawyers, as a lesser subspecies of human, often catch a lot of flak for their shenanigans, but Doody is one of the good ones; pop over and say thank you.
The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms has been supporting Guy’s case, and you can donate via a button on their own article about him.
As you heard, I’m writing a book about the decades long war on truckers in North America, and you can read about that here -
If you have a couple of bucks to spare to help me get this book out the door -
Thanks for listening, and as always, share this with your fellow truckers or anyone else who might be interested.
Questions, comments, suggestions, corrections and Hate Mail are welcomed and strongly encouraged - gordilocks@protonmail.com
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