Autonomous Truck(er)s
Voice Of GO(r)D
Skill, Meaning, and Navigating the Present State Tech Dystopia with Matthew B Crawford

Skill, Meaning, and Navigating the Present State Tech Dystopia with Matthew B Crawford

A Trucker and a Mechanic in conversation with America's pre-eminent modern philosopher.

Voice Of GO(r)D is incredibly blessed and honored to bring you author, mechanic, engineer, and America's best modern philosopher, Matthew B Crawford, in conversation with myself and co-host Mr. Brandon Daily.

If you haven't heard of or read Shopclass as Soulcraft, The World Beyond Your Head, or Why We Drive, when you are finished listening to this episode, y'all need to head over to Matthew's website and get ordering some books -

And after that, check out Matthew's excellent substack, Archedelia, where he explores just what is going on with those who rule us.

There is too much deeply thought out and well written content to narrow it down to any one recommendation, become a subscriber and read it all, it is that good.

I'm back on Twitter!

and you can find my excellent co-pilot as well

Also mentioned on the show was former guest, Mr Michael Thomas of Sharon, whose talk with me can be found here -

Michael can also be found on Twitter -

Another name dropped in the show is that of one of the best accounts on Twitter, a real Gear Head, bike guy, Cabover Respecter, lover of America, friend of the show and to all Old School truckers, Big Dog Sib -

All feedback is welcomed and encouraged - contact the show via

Autonomous Truck(er)s
Voice Of GO(r)D
Voice Of GO(r)D focuses on Trucking, Truckers, and the people who study them, regulate them, and the Tech Pimps who want to make us extinct. Conversations with Truckers, writers, academics, and Neat Old Guys with life stories you need to hear.
This is the Audio project of Gord Magill, writer at