Voice Of GO(r)D is proud to present Mr Harold Jonker, a trucker, family man, local councilman, and participant in Canada's Freedom Convoy.
We discuss his background in trucking, his political activities, how he came to participate in the Freedom Convoy, and what he saw while he was there. Harold also fills us in on the punitive and vindictive charges he faces for that participation, which were only laid against him 10 months after the Freedom Convoy, and after he appeared in the documentary 'Unacceptable Views'.
Unacceptable Views Documentary
Surely a coincidence!
You can help support Harold and other Freedom Convoy participants being punished by Trudeau by donating here -
You can also help support The Coutts Four, Trudeau's political prisoners by donating here -
For more news and info on this case -
Info on the Tamara Lich fundraising concert in Grassie, Ontario, where you can meet Tamara and Harold and many other wonderful people -
You can find Jonker Trucking here -
For more info on my Tucker appearance and a list of links on info relevant to the Coutts Four, go here -
Questions, comments, suggestions, corrections and Hate Mail are welcomed and strongly encouraged -
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