Autonomous Truck(er)s
Voice Of GO(r)D
A Kiwi On Ice (and Everywhere else)

A Kiwi On Ice (and Everywhere else)

On this episode of Voice Of GO(r)D I had the great pleasure of speaking with my old mate Gavin Smith, quite possibly one of the world's best and most experienced truckers, hailing all the way from New Zealand. Gavin has had quite a life, including service in The Royal New Zealand Navy, and working in many places around the world, including several seasons up on The Ice Roads of the Northwest Territories where I first met him.

Gavin relays much of his history on the road to us, as well as the service he is currently rendering to his fellow Veterans.

The Veterans Group of which Gavin is the current president -

An article describing the work they do and challenges they face -

Autonomous Truck(er)s
Voice Of GO(r)D
Voice Of GO(r)D focuses on Trucking, Truckers, and the people who study them, regulate them, and the Tech Pimps who want to make us extinct. Conversations with Truckers, writers, academics, and Neat Old Guys with life stories you need to hear.
This is the Audio project of Gord Magill, writer at