As always, great to hear from you Gord! Looking forward to those podcasts!

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Trudeau has a self confessed history of drug possession too...that is irrelevant.

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Sure, but in the interests of being 100% factual eh

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Horrifying to see how clever and unprincipled people manipulate the justice system to their own devices. I've had a front-row seat to university cancellations here in the U.S., after my dad, distinguished economics professor Eric Rasmusen, was Title-IX-ed for re-Tweeting an article about how geniuses are majority male (due to the stronger extremities we see on the male bell curve). The real reason they went after him was that he was a gadfly, always voting against the majority, for at least the last 15 years. When they saw a chance to pounce, they took it. It was bad. People threw fake blood at my family's house. Braindead students made t-shirts saying "Female Genuis." His faculty "friends" began to avoid him. Now, my dad is happily retired (though forced into it) and spends his free time volunteering for MIT's alumni free speech organization. He's here on Substack if you're interested: https://ericrasmusen.substack.com/

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I will follow him for sure, sounds like a man of principle.

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Its not by accident that Crown Prosecutor Steven Johnston has made a name for himself as the

"Crime Fraud" agent in this appalling case. Why was he not pulled from the case after Anthony Olienick's lawyer, Tonii Roulston, put the Crown Prosecutor Johnston under such a substantial cloud of suspicion?

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Painfully succinct truth-telling here, Gord.

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Thanks Stevland, wish I had time to go more in depth.

Maybe next week.

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They did the same thing to Tamara Lich. The chains and shackles are pure Illiberal theatre, to which makes an complete mockery of our entire law system with Trudeau's catch and release of real criminals. From the pathetic excuse of the RCMP, the Prosecution, the judge, the guards with in this sad state of our now defunct, demeaning, and deviant, law system (it has little to do with justice of any kind) there is no longer any justice at all. Where are their lawyers in this stage production being put forward by the Trudeau regime in Ottawa? Why have they not spoken out on the absolute aburdity and maltreatment of these men? For the information of all Canadian's, especially white males, there are no human rights for you, as the Canadian Human Rights Council does not accept any discrimination complaints from white people. This is what Canadian Taxpayers in this country now face. You are of no consequence and its open season on white males, white people, especially, jewish or Christian white people. You are not even a second class citisen because under the dictate of this regime in Ottawa and in many Provinces (Apparently Alberta is no different than any other Province in this now, Post National State) you are unworthy of even a thought. In fact they completely ignore any attacks toward you, any burning or destruction of your property, laugh at serious hate crimes and actions, as your not worthy of attention. You have no human rights in the new Post National State under Marxist Progressive Idiology which is sarturated through out every Institution in this pathetic country, from the Federal, Provincial, and right down to our Municiple Government's as well. You are not human in there eyes. Remember that folks.

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Excellent read.

I was brought up to own up to your mistakes. Why can't none of them admit it, apologize for their threatment of others? Yes, I spelled that right. Many prayers still going up for the madness to end, everywhere, but especially for all involved in this.

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An excellent summary: Absurdistan.

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Thank you for writing about this. The silence around this is deafening.

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