Sep 15Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

I was shocked and heart-broken to hear about the ridiculous sentences handed down to Chris and Tony - I had been sure that they would be released based on "time served."

One more rude awakening to what we have descended into.

Thank you for publishing (and linking out) to Chris and Tony speaking for themselves. I am looking forward to writing to them once you can share their new addresses, and it helps to get to know them a bit first.

What brave and courageous men. We need more like them. And more like you, Gord. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing and for supporting these guys and their truth! My heart goes out to them - just guys doing what they thought they should do for the future for their kids. But will Canadians ever have the courage to gather again as they did for the convoy. The Canadian world has changed since the country has been controlled by a tyrannical narcissist loyal only the the WEF. He has filled our cities with the terror and lawlessness of impoverished humanity do destroy our culture, while he and his minions have rotted the very structures of our institutions, and once gutted used them for evil. Election 2025 can not come soon enough. Some days I want my kids to have kids, but not today. This is no longer a safe country for peaceful people.

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Thank you, all of you. Prayers offered.

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Wait on the Lord, good men. Life is short; eternity is long. Justice will be done to all evildoers.

Psalm 94

20 Can wicked rulers be allied with thee,

who frame mischief by statute?

21 They band together against the life of the righteous,

and condemn the innocent to death.

22 But the Lord has become my stronghold,

and my God the rock of my refuge.

23 He will bring back on them their iniquity

and wipe them out for their wickedness;

the Lord our God will wipe them out.

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I think at this point we need a miracle from God to bring back the Canada we knew and once loved. I am heartbroken 💔 and disgusted to the core about the courts. Just so you know crown prosecutor Stephen Johston is the same guys that kept Pastor Artur Pawlowski in prison. The crown needs to be removed from his position for tampering with evidence and whoever was with the crown helping to tamper with evidence to frame these two innocent men. Tony and Chris are in my prayers and that God will open the prison doors for these men. God will restore everything they have lost because no weapon formed against them shall prosper. I know it's difficult for me to say but we also need to pray for our enemies. Remember God counts every tear shed from the two innocent men. I will keep praying for them that they will make a breakthrough. The truth will prevail and light wins.

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