Canadian 'media'. Your efforts aren't in vain.

Don't expect too much. Established media names and other personalities masking as self-described 'disinformation experts' remain fully entrenched and in a trance if not coma about the whole COVID era moral panic.

I check them out on Twitter to get a vibe and sense if any of the disastrous collateral damage inflicted through unethical and unscientific restrictions by way of our credentialed classes is shifting.

It's not. Just read Coyne, Picard, Caulfield, Derfel, Pelley etc. They're sticking to the script and probably applaud the whole top-down 'One Health' approach (read: medial authoritarianism) approach. Sweden was wrong! Canada was right! Next time we just need to go deeper, harder and with extra assaults on civil liberties. Win!

Worse. The regime they represent on this issue is rewarding them. Two (Picard and Caulfield) of those mentioned have been awarded the Order of Canada (a Cracker Jack prize it appears) and one (Pelley) won some digital media prize. 'Thanks for not asking too many questions and turning those who did into crackpots. Here's your Scooby snack'.

Never was a fan of awards.

I mention this because their work helped lay the atmosphere that led to the Trucker's Rebellion and all the ugly stuff that followed it kicked off by the EA.

It was one-side 'journalism' that kept a population in fear - not informed but in fear and prepped to follow orders - that frayed the civil order.

And they got to do so by simply ignoring opposite valid views, and dehumanizing and demonizing those who didn't accept their diktats. For people who claim to 'follow science' they promulgated pure junk science with masking and social distancing while vastly over rating the vaccines.

For crying out loud, two of the big names - Collins and Redfield - flatly admitted it was a myopic approach leading to accepting such idiotic measures that came out of nowhere. Birx and Fauci are still out there flip flopping around trying to find their little space like weasels to try and save face also all but conceded it was bull shit. Read Atlas's book to get a sense of how Birx was more dimwit than intelligent.

At least four of the biggest faces of the response have some level of awareness - and maybe a conscience (Collins and Redfield specially. The other two are text book sociopaths if not worse) - to concede errors were made.

Name me one Canadian 'expert' that's done that. Tam on down. It's still a COVID gulag.

And they're gonna try and repeat the same game plan with this bird flu to attempt to induce another moral panic.

In any event, I'm not so sure Collins/Fauci were necessarily acting on their own. Recall, the Pentagon all but took over NIAID after 9/11 and shifted Fauci's mandate to bio-warfare. They just didn't;t bother to change the name of NIAID. Ergo, it's not a stretch to think the whole COVID debacle was planned and coordinated from the DoD and some adjacent and not so-adjacent partners from Johns Hopkins to the CIA.

Like that's never happened before in history. Nope. No siree. Nothing to see here.

I guess it all comes down to how one frames this. For example, ome people can't conceive of their own government doing bad things. Others can. And they begin to rationalize from that point on.

Again. Great job, Gord and forgive my rant.

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Rant away, very informative.

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Great rant. It isn’t just Picard and Caulfield winning silly prizes. Look who have been “honoured” with doctorates of law, honoris causa, none other than Tam (for leading Canada’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic) and Graves (for outstanding contributions to research-based policy making)!


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Three of the worst possible people who contributed in fraying the civil order. Just goes to show the 'system' learned nothing. They can just declare without EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE "Vaccines. masks and social distancing saved millions! Ergo you shut up and follow our science and orders!"

An ethics organization in the U.S. honoured Fauci with an honorary award too. The guy who paid to torture Beagles for no benefit whatsoever.

Who's Frank Graves?

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Owner of EKOS Research in deep with the current Canadian government (https://www.canada.ca/en/sr/srb.html?_charset_=UTF-8&idx=10&q=EKOS#wb-land) for many standing contracts for polling etc, which wouldn't be necessarily be bad except that he played his hand in March of 2022 in a tweet (which he deleted) which said the following:

"A real conservative option is a healthy counterbalance in a healthy democracy. Pierre Pollievre is an acolyte of authoritarian populism. This is never healthy. You are on notice. Going to make sure you are never going to lead my country. I don't make idle threats."

This statement from someone who has just "won" an award for research based policy making". CBC also uses him and has no problem with the above threat from someone who has the obvious ability to influence.

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Oh, yes. Him. I seem to recall seeing some of his sophomoric Tweets and thought he was a tedious little partisan hack.

There you have it. The establishment rewards its servants with prizes.

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I wonder which would be better"authoritarian populism" or "authoritarian elitism". The first is what use to be referred to as majority rule in a democracy, the second is the brand of politics practiced by trudeau.

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This is a great one stop resource. Thank you!!!

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Thank you for putting all this together... I chose to feature Chris and Tony for this week's Hometown Heroes column in this new Canadian Shareable News issue and I linked to this post of yours. https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-week-13-vol-1-issue-13. Keep up the great work!

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Thank you.

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I try my best to keep up with the Coutts four him from the UK. Once they've all been released do you think they will sue the Canadian Government for being illegally jailed or is that already happening and am I getting that wrong?

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Seems unlikely anything would come of suing them; legal remedies against the Crown are few and difficult to obtain.

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Ahhh Okay. I wasn't sure if they're just carry on with their lives or try and get justice and money for being wrongfully imprisoned. They should do a book at the very least IMO.

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Remains to be seen.

I know at least one of the four guys is uninterested in pursuing action against the government, as he and his wife believe the best justice is fixing/removing the system, rather than trying to fight people who are corrupt and have bottomless pits of money with which to bog down any legal proceedings.

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That's fair enough. As long as they're all freed that's the main thing. Thank you for your time and your articles.

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What a great amalgomation of information. Cudos to you for putting it all together.

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Quite a comprehensive package Gord. Whether it will do any good, I don't know. I will, however, be forwarding on to some of the journalists I have written to in the past about their inaccurate or careless reporting on these guys.

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Nicely done. Right now, the evening reports each day on Rumble by Jason Levign.

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