Every once in awhile, you (and a few others) remind me why it's important to read what is being peddled as news and commentary in the Canadian mainstream media. And now this from the National Post, usually the best of the bunch. But the rush to sink to new lows apparently holds appeal at that outlet too. Thanks for your determination to call a spade a spade.
I've come to despise Canadian 'media' since 2020. Before 2020, I couldn't care less. i got my fill hanging around at Reason mag. Those were the days. Fuck off, Slaver!
But since 2020, I've been forced like Alex DeLarge to state into the abyss that's Canadian "media" and "intellectualism". It's criminally tedious.
Have any "journalist' reached out to any of the people who testified at NCI? Of course not. And that's why they cling to a hopelessly stupid and static narrative about Covid stuck in 2020. It's quite disconcerting to witness.
The complex lack of interest, objectivity and curiosity in search of the truth in Canadian 'media' is perhaps a reflection of the people who consume their tripe?
The other day some "journalist" at CTV (and let's be clear corporate media is barely better in the UK and USA but you get the sense they're more willing to accept truth when it hits them. See the complete shift in one Chris Cuomo) called RFK Jr. a 'so-called third party candidate' who 'spreads conspiracy theories'.
Up until his stance on vaccine SAFETY (he never called for the end of vaccines) he was a highly successfully lawyer focused on the environment. A darling to the left. And then he went off script and explored vaccines. Can't do that with something that's become a dogmatic issue for cultists. Now they hate him.
Yet, no one has bothered to DISPROVE what he said in his speech. There IS a chronic disease epidemic. There IS a military (and medical) industrial complex. The DNC (and the GOP) IS in bed with Big Agra, Pharma and other corporations. There IS a corporate-state revolving door among government agencies. These are FACTS.
And nothing is more mind-numbingly nauseating than Canadians and its 'media' calling out RFK Jr.
You know. RFK Jr. is not perfect. Neither were Jack, Bobby and Teddy. Yet, more than any other Kennedy he exemplifies the unfinished work his uncle and father tried to complete. They were the original 'drain the swamp' which is why Hoover, in part, HATED them with a hyper passion.
RFK Jr.'s positions are more in line with them than any politician. Yet, look at the hysterical reaction to him form the left. All because he's anti-imperialist neocon war and wants vaccine safety protocols. The irony in all this these same people probably view John and Bobby in a good light would probably attack them if they were alive today with the positions they held.
Sorta like how the Covidian snitches would have turned Anne Frank in.
It wasnt very long ago in North America when governments acting like this could reliably expect mobs to show up at the prisons and detention facilities where men like these were held, demanding the release of their compatriots - "or else."
another excellent piece. If a person doesn't swear after living through and seeing the crimes and injustices being perpetrated by the crime bosses in Ottawa, something is wrong with you.
I read the National Post piece and wept. Thank you Gord for dissecting it. I expect to read this on cbc but not the National Post. They are dead to me.
I can't express how grateful I am for your work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ❤️ People like you and Trish Wood help me feel like I'm at least partially sane for looking around me and seeing silent truths and noisy, irresponsible, unquestionnable and unaccountable lies.
"When you consider what has been done to the Coutts Four, the 2 and a half years of incarceration, the lawfare, the smear and disinformation jobs in the Canadian media, does any of this begin to sound familiar?"
Indeed. In Canadian media's handling of RFK Jr. himself. Wait for it:
Every once in awhile, you (and a few others) remind me why it's important to read what is being peddled as news and commentary in the Canadian mainstream media. And now this from the National Post, usually the best of the bunch. But the rush to sink to new lows apparently holds appeal at that outlet too. Thanks for your determination to call a spade a spade.
I've come to despise Canadian 'media' since 2020. Before 2020, I couldn't care less. i got my fill hanging around at Reason mag. Those were the days. Fuck off, Slaver!
But since 2020, I've been forced like Alex DeLarge to state into the abyss that's Canadian "media" and "intellectualism". It's criminally tedious.
Have any "journalist' reached out to any of the people who testified at NCI? Of course not. And that's why they cling to a hopelessly stupid and static narrative about Covid stuck in 2020. It's quite disconcerting to witness.
The complex lack of interest, objectivity and curiosity in search of the truth in Canadian 'media' is perhaps a reflection of the people who consume their tripe?
The other day some "journalist" at CTV (and let's be clear corporate media is barely better in the UK and USA but you get the sense they're more willing to accept truth when it hits them. See the complete shift in one Chris Cuomo) called RFK Jr. a 'so-called third party candidate' who 'spreads conspiracy theories'.
Up until his stance on vaccine SAFETY (he never called for the end of vaccines) he was a highly successfully lawyer focused on the environment. A darling to the left. And then he went off script and explored vaccines. Can't do that with something that's become a dogmatic issue for cultists. Now they hate him.
Yet, no one has bothered to DISPROVE what he said in his speech. There IS a chronic disease epidemic. There IS a military (and medical) industrial complex. The DNC (and the GOP) IS in bed with Big Agra, Pharma and other corporations. There IS a corporate-state revolving door among government agencies. These are FACTS.
And nothing is more mind-numbingly nauseating than Canadians and its 'media' calling out RFK Jr.
You know. RFK Jr. is not perfect. Neither were Jack, Bobby and Teddy. Yet, more than any other Kennedy he exemplifies the unfinished work his uncle and father tried to complete. They were the original 'drain the swamp' which is why Hoover, in part, HATED them with a hyper passion.
RFK Jr.'s positions are more in line with them than any politician. Yet, look at the hysterical reaction to him form the left. All because he's anti-imperialist neocon war and wants vaccine safety protocols. The irony in all this these same people probably view John and Bobby in a good light would probably attack them if they were alive today with the positions they held.
Sorta like how the Covidian snitches would have turned Anne Frank in.
Great comment.
Oh, and by the way:
The fix is in again folks.
Please read this Substack STAT.
In their VERY traceable TRACKS.
Pay this forward, relentlessly, until EVERYONE knows how they did it and how they plan to DO IT AGAIN.
It wasnt very long ago in North America when governments acting like this could reliably expect mobs to show up at the prisons and detention facilities where men like these were held, demanding the release of their compatriots - "or else."
Return to Irish Diplomacy
I don't hate anybody anymore now that the 'plan' has been revealed to me.
I do loathe and detest the fact there is a dripping slime hanging over N America poisoning everything it touches.
You are doing what needs to be done to expose the cesspool this slime resides in.
Good job!
another excellent piece. If a person doesn't swear after living through and seeing the crimes and injustices being perpetrated by the crime bosses in Ottawa, something is wrong with you.
I read the National Post piece and wept. Thank you Gord for dissecting it. I expect to read this on cbc but not the National Post. They are dead to me.
A KANGAROO Court. In Kanuckistan. Who could have foreseen this calamity eh? (Think "911"... Who ever could have predicted that calamity?)
By the way Gord: You have some reach. I do not.
The fix is in again.
Please read this Substack STAT.
In their VERY traceable TRACKS.
Pay this forward, relentlessly, until EVERYONE knows how they did it and how they plan to DO IT ALL AGAIN.
Will read, thanks.
Thank YOU! ♥️
I can't express how grateful I am for your work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ❤️ People like you and Trish Wood help me feel like I'm at least partially sane for looking around me and seeing silent truths and noisy, irresponsible, unquestionnable and unaccountable lies.
Amen to that.
"When you consider what has been done to the Coutts Four, the 2 and a half years of incarceration, the lawfare, the smear and disinformation jobs in the Canadian media, does any of this begin to sound familiar?"
Indeed. In Canadian media's handling of RFK Jr. himself. Wait for it: