Here is a excerpt of my essay addressing the roots of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network founded by Trudeau's mentor Bernie Farber. The illustrations could not be reproduced in this medium. The original is at


The excerpt begins below

The Legacy of the Collaboration Between Grant Bristow and Bernie Farber as a Prototype for the Current Goals and Objectives of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Below there is an excerpt describing how Global News described the arrest of people at Coutts on February 14. The Emergency Act was declared on Valentine’s Day, 2022. Is there any sign that Global News and the people they quote in the story, treated the suspects as innocent parties because they had not yet been found guilty in court?

If the spectacular account of the violent actions of the accused group are true, how did it happen two years later that those condemned for conspiring to kill cops were released on the basis of time served for lesser charges? Was the Crown bluffing all along hoping to use the two-year pre-trial period to fish out some sort of evidence to support the original contention that a gang of would-be cop killers had been discovered at Coutts.

Global News reported the following arrests, complete with the publication of the now-notorious photo of the arsenal supposedly seized at Coutts. Many see the photo as Exhibit A in the RCMP’s feeding of those with the means to conduct trials by media. The Global News Story was introduced as follows:

“Anti-hate experts are raising concerns after a picture of weapons, ammunition and body armour seized at the border protest at Coutts, Alta. showed patches belonging to a neo-nazi group in Canada.

"The Canadian Anti-Hate Network tweeted on Monday that gear seized by police at Coutts includes a plate carrier with Diagolon patches. According to the network, Diagolon is an accelerationist movement that believes a revolution is inevitable and necessary to collapse the current government system. It wants to build its ideal nation-state, which runs diagonally from Alaska through the western provinces down to Florida.

It is also a neo-fascist militia with a sizeable support base across the country, said the network.

“A lot of them claim to be ex-military members and a lot of them claim to have some kind of military training. There’s very much a militia kind of vibe within the network and there have been lots of talks of weapons,” said Elizabeth Simons, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s deputy director.”


The absurd claims made by the RCMP in conjunction with Canadian Anti-Hate Network and the Legacy media about Jeremy Mackenzie, Diagolon and the Truckers protests, but especially at Coutts, are the subject of investigative journalism in The Hategate Affair: The Umasking of Canada’s Hate Industry by Caryma Sa’d and Elisa Hategan.

The authors document the lazy, careless and often reckless approach to intelligence gathering of the RCMP, former Federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, the Legacy media, and the fake terrorist experts put forward by Bernie Farber and his entourage, including Justin Trudeau. Sa’d and Hategan trace how the same same unsupported and often absurd claims about Mackenzie and Diagolon keep getting exchanged without any genuine research or skepticism being brought to bear.

The absurdities making the rounds in Canada ended up catching the attention of intelligence practitioners throughout the Five Eyes which also includes Australia, the United States, New Zealand, and the UK. The shoddiness of the intelligence gathering on the Truckers movement of Canada ended up embarrassing the negligent parties.


Some of the most interesting material in the HateGate Affair pulled me to conduct my own research on Bernie Farber in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I learned much from a Report to the Solicitor-General of Canada entitled The Heritage Front Affair (9 December, 1994)


In the late 1980s and in first half of the 1990s, Grant Bristow and Bernie Farber worked closely together on different sides of a common project handsomely funded and backed on Bristow’s side by CSIS, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Wolfgang Droege became a kind of figurehead of the Heritage Front. However the CSIS undercover agent, Grant Bristow, became the logistical, ideological and financial driving force of Canada’s most prominent neo-Nazi organization.

The Heritage Front embodied a clear attempt to supply the need for neo-Nazi activists outside the network of genuine supporters built up over many years through the concerted efforts of German-Canadian National Socialist, Ernst Zundel. Bristow became more and more assertive in seeking to expand and radicalize the organization. Bristow and Bernie Farber are often described as “friends” but it seems clear to me they were more like colleagues.

By the late 1980s after the famous Toronto trials of Zundel, Farber had become the top official in the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC). Its stated purpose was to protect Jews in Canada from the incursions of Anti-Semitism. In order to justify themselves, however, organizations like the CJC or the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in the USA need to be able to point to specific groups and individuals who seem to embody animosity towards Jews collectively. There is a need to help along the creation of enemies for the Israel Lobby to oppose and to counter.

Similarly, the viability of Israel depends of persuading a number of Jews in the so-called Diaspora that they live in perilous places and should emigrate to the Jewish state to be more safe and secure, as unlikely as this possibility is becoming under current conditions

No doubt CSIS was well aware of the teamwork involved in Bristow’s and Farber’s collaboration.

As I see it, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network is probably working with Canada’s intelligence agencies with the goal of creating something like the Grant Bristow’s version of the Heritage Front. The Freedom Convoy may well have begun with a Deep State effort to create a Canadian version of the Trump’s so-called Deplorables.

Even if this was the case, however, the initiative escaped the control of the likes of CSIS. The Freedom Convoy become a genuine movement of conscientious citizens seeking an escape from the Trudeau government’s atrocious Covidian policies. The criminal nature and outcomes of these policies has yet to be seriously addressed in Canada and many other countries, creating the growing storm of anger identified by Neil Oliver.

I can easily picture Bernie Farber, an extremely important Toronto member of the Liberal Party of Canada, writing the angry phrases mouthed by Justin Trudeau in response to the arrival in Ottawa of the Freedom Convoy. When Bernie Farber chose to get involved with the Truckers’ Ottawa parking protest, he discovered the following document.

Document missing

Farber was immediately confronted by Jonathan Kay, a prominent Zionist journalist himself, who exposed the reality the document in question came from Miami, not from the theories of any members of the Ottawa parking protest.

Bernie Farber is still acting to raise the alarms as he did as CJC boss during the period when his “friend,” Grant Bristow, was an undercover agent for CSIS running the main neo-Nazi organization in Canada. Clearly Farber is intent on building up some part of the Freedom Convoy as his next project in manufacturing up neo-Nazi alarmism. What is to be said of Farber’s construction of ridiculous conspiracy theories such as the following?

Who will play the role of Grant Bristow in the latest round of constructing a useful enemy?

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Wow! You certainly have been paying attention!

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There should be a retrial given the seriousness of the suspicions aroused in the public by the uncertain character of the sealed envelope affair. Tonii Roulston's testimony in court on the contents of that sealed envelope, which Ms. Roulston had seen herself, definitely meets the criteria of "bringing the prosecution into serious question or disrepute." The envelop should be unsealed and made part of the public record. Then an assessment should be made to see if the serious allegations Mr. Roulston made under oath merit criminal charges to be brought against Steven Johnston, Matthew Dalidowicz and perhaps others. Once that sealed envelope debacle in the trumped up case by the Crown is sorted out, then a new trial should take place in a way that distances the proceedings from the prosecutorial direction of the RCMP by the provincial Crown assigned to the overwhelming peaceful and legitimate protest at Coutts. Anthony James Hall

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Aug 22Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

thanks for all the research and hard work you put into these posts. It is so important that we get as close to the truth about this Ottawa witch hunt as possible. Much appreciated.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

C***s is too much of a kind word to describe the Crown prosecutors and the clowns at CAHN.

"Another question we have to ask on the part of Justin Trudeau, the PMO, and his cabinet ministers, is if they had been hitting the paranoia crack-pipe hard enough to make Rob Ford blush, in an effort to smear the Freedom Convoy and manufacture Fear and Loathing in the minds of Canadians, is it not then possible that they had begun to believe their own bullshit?"

You should win an Order of Canada for that. Not that it's an award you want in your trophy case.

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Aug 22Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Exhaustive and insightful, Gord. Thanks so much for the addresses too. I read the retrial bit out to my dad and he raised something: doesn't "double jeopardy" apply here, especially if the Crown brought in new arguments right at the end?

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Aug 26Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Great work here!!! But let’s get heads rolling, Johnson’s are the fall guys. Find the big fish to fry launch the campaign against the highest figure head. What’s turds contact information? Decimate his day, accompany him everywhere he steps, and May every step he take be in shit ;-) I’ll think of more options tonight.

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Aug 23Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Thanks for a clear, concise, well thought out article as usual. We must have change in our justice system.

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Thank you for reading and your kind words.

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Aug 23Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

I can’t lose this article, will finish soon

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