Guest Post on the Malicious Prosecution of The Coutts Four
A Twitter Anon with a background in the legal world weighs in on the 'Tort of Malicious Prosecution', first in a series
A note for my readers - since I began writing and podcasting on the Coutts Four last year, I have had the pleasure of bumping into a small handful of people who are dedicated to making sure the truth about this case comes to light. One such person is the Twitter Anon Buck McYoung, who has been investigating the prosecution of this case, and has begun writing about it himself. Buck has agreed to let me re-publish his work here, which first appeared as an X Article, a new feature on Twitter. He has done some real digging here, and got into far more detail than even I go into, and is well worth your time to read - it is excellent investigative work.
This is but part one, expect more in the near future.
Statement of Purpose
I intend to establish in this series of articles that there is a prima facie case for the Tort of Malicious Prosecution, with respect to the #Coutts4
I believe that the facts and allegations presented herein, when presented to a court of law, would compel any Judge seized of the matter to hear its merits; Absent political interference, of course.
I also intend to persuade you that there is an existing evidentiary record that can establish, on a balance of probabilities, that the Crown Attorney Steven Johnston, and members of the RCMP investigations team, are liable for the Tort of Malicious Prosecution.
Additionally, I will suggest to you that the former Attorney General David Lametti, Former RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, and ultimately Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, used the powers of their offices for unlawful purposes. They too are liable for an unquantifiable harm to a multitude of Canadians, but some appropriate sum to these men as well.
It is my assertion that the Coutts men have standing to pursue a claim against these officials, to hold them joint and severally liable, in their personal and official capacities, for the Tort of Malicious Prosecution. Furthermore, establishing the role of senior government officials in this conspiracy, would reveal the dangerous manipulation of the National Security apparatus for political purposes.
Lastly, I intend to provoke you to join me in demanding that the next Government call a Royal Commission of Inquiry. It must compel documents and testimony under oath, and challenge the Solicitor, Parliamentary, Cabinet, and National Security privileges that would no doubt be asserted were these Parties be named in a suit at this time.
A Royal Commission of Inquiry is the appropriate forum for Justice for a matter such as this; One that grapples with breach of the social contract, and where abuse of office and systematic discrimination are implicated.
There is no disagreement that the Canadian public has lost a significant measure of trust in its government, institutions, and professional class. Thus, wise governance would embrace the restorative value of such proceedings, and readily concede their necessity.
The Claim
The breach of the Coutts men's rights under the Charter is profound. It involves detention in a remand center for over 920+ days and counting, absent visitations, and with long periods of solitary confinement; at other times mixed in with dangerous populations. This treatment constitutes psychological torture that will no doubt have lasting impacts.
The financial ruin inflicted on these men and their families, as a result of the loss of income, costs related to detainment, as well as ongoing legal fees, is measured with seven figures on top of what is owed as compensation for psychological and reputational harm. The punitive damages for this potentially most egregious Canadian example for Malicious Prosecution, needs to be unprecedented. The facts of this case demand an enormous settlement, such that the entire country will finally be confronted with the truth of the Coutts Affair, the Freedom Convoy, and the Emergencies Act. This is necessary because the majority of the Canadian public continue to obliviously underwrite the government tyranny that transpired and the media fails to report on it.
Canadians were deceived by our government, enabled through the purchase of the Fourth Estate, and the censorship of Social Media. It can be demonstrably shown that media establishment acted in bad faith and against professional ethics. But that's a different article for another day. As it relates to this matter, suffice it to say, the restitution owned must be a newsworthy sum.
As devastating as the Malicious Prosecution of the Coutts men is to them on a personal level, and thus worthy of our attention, its pertinence to the #NationalConversation is far more salient. Their story is central to understanding the egregious breach of the social contract that was enabled by this State conspiracy against the Coutts men; namely, the invocation of the Emergencies Act.
Fully appreciating what happened at Coutts, and what has happened since, is a devastating indictment of the current Government in Council, who have taken zero accountability for their unlawful and authoritarian actions. This isn't a case of fast-and-loose hillbilly cops and an inexperienced prosecutor with a 'hard-on' to make a name for himself. The Coutts Affair was a geopolitical crisis, triggered by average Canadian's justified reaction to a globally coordinated subjugation of civil society and human freedom. It was also a narrative looking for a crime, with politically motivated government actors crafting events and perceptions.
This happened because of a capitulation of Canadian sovereignty to the Leviathan down south. It was policy derived from Washington, executed by Ottawa, with knowledge and intent to violate Rights under the Charter. The story of the Coutts Blockade is the story of Canada's utter occupation, not by truckers, teetotalers, and bouncy castles, but by the primary Foreign Interference in Canada, that which flows north from DC.
The Covid-era revealed the abject failure of the Canadian and provincial governments, our institutions, and the professional class, to uphold their duties and protect our enumerated rights. There is no better example than the story of Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert, men who sit in a remand center to this day.
Arrested in the hours before the unlawful invocation of martial law, in Canada on Valentines day, 2022, these men are the victims of a conspiracy by a corrupt Crown Prosecutor, criminal RCMP investigators, and Canada's National Security Apparatus that was weaponized for political purposes. It was done so to quell the most significant civic protest against the government in Canadian history.
Chris and Tony, Canada's remaining political prisoners, were denied bail on the basis that to do so, for those charged with "Conspiracy to Commit Murder" of an RCMP officer, would "bring the reputation of the justice system into disrepute". There was no shortage of media fervor over alleged ties to the supposed threat of "Diagolon", and rhetoric from the Prime Minister using key buzz words to stoke and invoke the National Security apparatus.
During their time in remand, the Coutts men were exposed to threats of harm by fellow inmates, and held in solitary confinement, which is an internationally recognized form of torture. In my opinion, this was an intentional attempt to break their resolve to have their day in court. Even the judge at trial refused to admit the Joint Statement of Facts from the plea deals, obtained after some 700+ days in remand. Those deals dropped the Conspiracy to Commit Murder charge, and replaced it with an unrelated lessor charge. In the case of Jerry Morin, this plea deal was unambiguously coercion of a false confession, in order to validate the government's fabricated narrative, providing the justification it sought in the trail of the Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick. However, the jury recently acquitted the remaining two of this odious and spurious charge.
Despite the acquittal on the Conspiracy to Commit Murder charge, which was the primary justification for the invocation of the Emergencies Act, and the only justification offered by Justice Paul Rouleau in the Public Order Emergencies Commission, the Crown still refuses to accept that these men should be free. It has opposed bail and is now appealing the acquittal asking for a retrial.
Observers like myself, who have spent the time to speak with witnesses, follow the proceedings, and comb through ATIP disclosures of secret government reports, were absolutely gutted last week when we found out the Crown was appealing the verdict. It seemed impossible that after everything these men had been through, the injustice and lawfare could continue.
However, upon reflection and some amateur legal analysis, I and others have concluded this was bound to be the outcome, and here's why:
If the Crown did not appeal the acquittal, the 4 elements of the Tort of Malicious Prosecution are easily made out. The men could sue and the national reckoning would occur. However, just as we have seen them appeal the Mosely Decision before they even had a chance to read it, the Trudeau regime is intent in concealing their conspiracy until after they leave office.
Timeline of Relevant Evidence Prior to Coutts Blockade
During the Public Order Emergencies Commission, PMJT testified that, at the beginning of the pandemic, the government had discussed the potential for the invocation at the Emergencies Act, or having Premiers do the equivalent provincially. He said they opted not to, at that time, and apparently decided they could introduce unlawful measures absent its invocation.
Despite constantly differing the accountability for pandemic measures to the Provincial governments, the Feds had no small role in shaping Provincial policy, and are directly responsible for several measures that curtailed the Charter protected rights of Canadians. The vaccine mandate for Canadian Armed Forces members was ultimately ruled to violate the Charter by the Military Grievances External Review Committee. The vaccine mandate for federally regulated transportation was challenged by the last surviving drafter of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Hon. Brian Peckford, but declared 'moot' and refused a hearing in Federal court despite months of preliminary work and 14,000 pages of evidence.
While the Federal court was too cowardly to hear the case for obviously important public interests reasons, the SCOTUS ruled the corresponding vaccine mandate affecting truckers in the US was unconstitutional on January 13th, 2022, just two day before the Canadian mandate was to take effect. Buoyed by this landmark decision, Canadian truckers began organizing to set out for Ottawa and various border crossings, to have their objections heard. Their protest cry, "Hold the Line", signaled their intent to defeat this central policy.
Meanwhile, the intelligence agencies of both the US and Canadian Federal governments were monitoring public sentiment and orchestrating countermeasures to suppress, denigrate, and diffuse the mounting public opposition to pandemic-related violations of human rights.
Trudeau testified in the POEC that he had discussed in the months before the Freedom Convoy the observed increase of dissention and opposition to government policy, amongst the Canadian public. The recent wave of the Omicron variant had demonstrated that the 'vaccines' were not effective in preventing infection or transmission, that the virus was not as harmful as was portrayed, and it had become irrefutable that serious risks were associated with taking these products. These facts and revelations utterly dismantled the rationale for vaccine mandates, and ignited anger for the harms they had caused.
The government subversion of the Freedom Convoy starts no later than January 13th, 2022, the same day the SCOTUS ruled various mandates unconstitutional. That day the Parliamentary Protective Services, under the authority of now disgraced former Speaker of the House Anthony Rota (yes the man who had to resign for inviting a standing ovations in the House of Commons for a Nazi soldier), recruited the RCMP's Ideologically Motivated Criminal Intelligence Team to prepare background information, which was then disseminated across the RCMP force structure on four days later.
It is important to notice where the action originates (Parliamentary Protective Service) and what department it activates (Ideologically Motivated Criminal Intelligence). If this was genuine threat observed and organically detected, the relationship would have been reversed.
It is also important to observe the nature of the report, disseminated across the entirety of the RCMP policing structure, namely the "Strategic Intelligence Assessment - Racially and Ethnonationalist Motivated Threat Landscape". This action was a signal to every department in the RCMP to interpret events relating to the Freedom Convoy with this spurious characterization.
It is my, and others, contention that partisan government propagandists were responsible for pushing this false narrative that the widespread public opposition to Covid measures and vaccine mandates constituted IMVE, a framework that was first introduced in 2020.
This was accomplished by 'narrative laundering' through so called 'civil society organizations' such as Canadian Anti-Hate Network. Untested information from these partisan activist propagandistic 'sources', were cited and used to shape discourse through reports and statements from law enforcement, the intelligence community, and of course chiefly by the political leadership in this country. Those untested allegations, had been transmuted into the product of government intelligence gathering and analysis, and then repeated uncritically by the stenographers in the MSM.
The suspicions regarding the origins of these events, relate to the timing of a search warrant on the home of self-described "odious dirtbag" and podcaster Jeremy Mackenzie's (AKA "The Raging Dissident" and purported originator of the "Diagolon" meme) on January 26th, 2022.
The investigation that lead to the search warrant was initiated on January 10th, by reports of an online video posted wherein Jeremy purportedly
"waving around a handgun in a “reckless manner”
. This was the same day the Twitter account for the Canadian Anti-hate Network (CAHN), funded by the government of Canada I might add, first tweets in relation to Diagolon and Mackenzie, even though the investigation is not reported on publicly until the 26th.
CAHN have been the chief originators of Diagolon IMVE narratives in the media, which have been uncritically entered into court proceedings, government statements, intelligence reports, and MSM discussions even since.
HateGate is one attempt to track the pernicious efforts of this clearly partisan and propagandistic tax-payer funded organization.
As a brief aside, it is entirely inappropriate, and frankly a subversion of the the Charter, for the government to fund "civil society" organizations like CAHN to do intelligence gathering, reporting, and political activism, in a context that lacks procedural check and balances, public accountability, and constitutional constraints. It is even worse to then rely on such reporting in lieu of formal intelligence gathering and analysis through governmental structures as I will show was done.
After the raid on Mackenzie, Diagolon quickly became headline news as the newest emerging domestic terrorist threat of Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism.
The next day, on January 27th, 2022, before any trucks arrived at a boarder crossing or in Ottawa, the RCMP was briefing the cabinet.
While tens of thousands of Canadians lined highways and overpasses to wave Canadian flags and show support for the Convoy, the narrative had been established that an splinter group of Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremists will attempt to highjack protests. This included assertions that "a supporter" is advocating "civil war". The report evokes the comparison to events of January 6th, in DC, a reference that engenders great suspicion in light of the revelations of insider involvement and false narratives relating to those events. This is merely one of many connections to US State, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence agencies which I will highlight along the way.
This RCMP Threat Highlight was leaked to 'journalist', and government toady, Justin Ling and published in the Guardian on February 17, just as the House of Commons was debating confirming the invocation of the Emergencies Act declaration.
While Canada was spinning up a disinformation campaign about the Freedom Convoy, recently released documents from a Freedom of Information Request (available here), show the US Department of Homeland Security was busy formalizing the infamous Governance Disinformation Board (now dissolved because of the proper public perception of its role as the allegorical "Ministry of Truth").
DHS, through the involvement of its subsidiaries including the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Customs and Boarder Patrol (CBP), and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), were proactively working to de-platform Freedom Convoy supporter social media accounts through their unlawful (Missouri v Biden) engagement with social media platforms, credibly detailed elsewhere in the #TwitterFiles and the overlooked work of @shellenberger, @mtaibbi, and others.
We will return to the geopolitical and international context of the Convoy and Coutts Blockade soon, but we must focus on the events of Coutts next.
Timeline of Evidence Relating to the Coutts Blockade
Continued in Part Two Coming Soon... Share, Follow, and Click that Bell.
I look forward to bringing you the next installment in Buck’s series, but in the meantime, I will be appearing with him later this evening, along with the Coutts Men’s number one advocate and hero of this story, Danielle Slettede, on the great
Thanks for reading, and please share this far and wide, send it your MP, and keep making noise - do not let the bastards get away with it.
This item is a good introduction to the importance of culminating the trial of the Coutts 4/2 with a Malicious Prosecution case against the officials and agencies that improperly attacked the integrity of the whole Freedom Convoy movement in Canada. I agree that there is evidence of much collaboration on this attack between the US and Canadian governments. Please note the explanation offered up on Global News by the US Ambassador to Canada, David Cohen. Cohen groups the Canadian freedom convoy in with China and Russia as enemies who are trying to "subvert" democracy in North America.
Please see the opening of my essay in Global The essay is entitled "Commemorating January 29, 2022, Democracy, Authoritarianism and Canada’s Truckers Movement: Have the Coutts 13 Been Set Up to Embody the Canadian Version of “Domestic Terrorism”" 4 Feb., 2023
Quote starts here
"The US Ambassador to Canada, David Cohen, has characterized the members and supporters of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as “extremists” who are “subverting democratic processes and voices to further the cause of authoritarianism.”
As reported by Canada’s Global News, Cohen elaborated,
“China and Russia are among the actors involved in those attempts to subvert democracy, but also domestic forces including elements in the trucker convoys that blockaded the Canadian capital and border crossings for three weeks earlier this year.”
This intervention in domestic politics by the Biden administration’s top emissary to Canada should not go unnoticed. Quite clearly, it is the Canadian Truckers and many of their supporters who are victims, rather than perpetrators, of multiple forms of authoritarianism. "
Quote ends here
The essay highlights the role of Global News in advancing the anti-Trucker smear involving "Diagolon, The Anti-Hate Network, and the Coutts 13"
I hope this reference helps flesh out the argument for a Malicious Prosecution
This is excellent in depth reporting with “the receipts” included and I feel very honoured to have been able to read this.
I had no idea it was this underhanded, complex, and carried out with both US and Canada being in cahoots… I didn’t know the half of it as it turns out.
Extremely grateful to all of those many brave and bright minds out there who have the expertise, the knowledge, the skill sets and the desire to have the wherewithal to be able to hold all who are responsible for their roles and deceptions to pull this off ACCOUNTABLE for their roles and actions in this travesty of justice!
That is what has been missing in JT’s government for 9+ years now, from the top down the rot is apparent in that not one minister nor one bureaucrat not any single person in this government takes any accountability for anything that happens at all in their departments! They all obfuscate, deflect, outright lie and then pass the buck! I am so so sick of it!
I can copy this and send it to my mp, that I can do and will do to try to expose the truth.