Well, the American press certainly doesn't cover this story, either, and when it does it paints the truckers as a bunch of Nazis. I don't even look at the CBC for garbage to disparage anymore. Talk about state media!

Of course, lots of American liberals strain their arms patting themselves on the back because the CBC is one of their trusted news sources.

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Thanks Gord Magill for this addition to your ongoing reporting on the Coutts fiasco at the Lethbridge court house. Mr Graveland cited me in his CP report, with photo, back in March of 22. We were prevented from witnessing the proceedings back then "because COVID." My sign said "Truckers Exposed Ottawa's Tyranny," an observation that still applies in my view.


Here is the CP text from March of 2022 about a month after the many charges were pressed on Coutts demonstrators by Stephan Johnston/RCMP prosecutorial bunch.

"Outside court Tuesday, about 20 people gathered in support of the accused who are still in custody and others who had been charged. Some were waving Canadian flags while others carried signs that read “Drop the charges,” “Scapegoat tactics are an abuse of the law” and “Truckers exposed Ottawa’s tyranny.”

Tony Hall, who found (sic) the group We the People YQL, decried “this effort to criminalize the Coutts 13 and treat them as terrorists and people who are so reprehensible.”

“It’s really ruthless the way the effort is to build up this image.”

Hall, a former University of Lethbridge professor, helped form We the People, which began as a group protesting pandemic restrictions. Its website says it continues to fight to preserve people’s fundamental charter rights.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 15, 2022.

Obviously I didn't "find" a group. I was instrumental in establishing the group of local Covidian skeptics back on the autumn of 2020, well before the Truckers entered the picture in a substantial way. I'm not a "former University of Lethbridge professor."

I am now, and was in 2022, an Emeritus Professor. Graveland was sloppy not to check. Its not an earth shattering mistake but its journalistically sloppy and it misrepresents the situation in a way that deprives me, but more importantly my comment, of contemporary academic standing.

I wonder if Tucker Carlson had attended the proceedings, if he would have been granted journalistic credentials. Would the CBC have interviewed him?

Thanks Gord for helping to introduce Tucker to the Coutts 4 matter shortly before your famous colleague went to Russia to interview Putin. I wrote about your exchange with Tucker here


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Jul 28Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Thank you for working so eloquently to support the Coutts men! What an absolute travesty of justice. 💛

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Jul 29Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Well that was an infuriating, but not surprising, read.

Where to begin?

Canadian "media" should always be in quotations. We don't have media here. We have "state stenographers" as you creatively observed. Our journalist "intellectuals" merely regurgitate information they see on CNN/MSNBC transmitting second hand information to neutered Canadians who are too lazy - and scared - to just take a peek outside the far left hive they've been put into. There's nothing more blindingly irritating than listening to a Canadian progressive repeat American progressive sources and talking points.

Which brings us to the inferiority complex which manifests as a superiority complex. Canada is a colony. Not a country. It acts and thinks like a colony. But a refined one that managed to succeed in spite of itself. I guarantee you if we didn't have the United States as our trading partner with this mentality, we wouldn't be as economically prosperous. We remain a npeople of'“hewers of wood and drawers of water" still wallowing in a mercantilist mind set. And smug about it.

The United States is a country. It has all the whistles and bells of one. It invented its own system of government and business. Canada borrows and steals ideas and makes a quilt out of it and brags about it. That's why our navel-gazing is never-ending. Deep down we know it.

Harsh? You bet. And deservedly so.

The CBC is just a bloated bureaucracy. We're so far up the far left bubble up here we can't even see it thinking this carefully refined brand is providing "hard hitting journalism". Listen to American radio or read American publications. Not the legacy stuff. I mean go outside the room. They have a staggering array of publications and radio shows dispersing a huge canvass of ideas. The American political mind is more capable of abstract thought than the Canadian. Ours is just a funnelled version of "progressive' American thought we import. Who in Canada MSM is remotely interesting? Maybe I'm wrong because I don't even listen to anything Canadian it bores me to tears.

Ok. Graveland and Poisson. Of course the CBC would go out and fish (see what I did there?) him out. And OF COURSE, they would deny you press access. It's CANADA. A pseudo-Marxist state by other means. Canadians actually believe this 'muh democraty' crap spewed especially when it comes wrapped up into anti-Russia hysteria and faux-nationalist rhetoric. Anyone find it weird a colony that can't defend itself acts like a belligerent bully against a country that defeated two of history's great armies in Napoleon and Hitler?

Graveland sounds exactly like that sort of "journalist" Murray and Taibbi dressed down in the Munk Debates a couple of years ago. It's disheartening and unfortunate they curate the truth like they do but U.S. legacy media does the same and are masters at it. Same as in the UK. There's something drastically wrong with modern (corporate) media. But we can't get into here. Suffice to say is THANK GOD for alternative media and sources. THANK GOD for the Internet (for now) and places like Sirius (sorta). We get access to so much outside state stenographers. Rather than find ways to serve people better, they just lazily scream "disinformation" - because that's where the racket money went.

But I would be remiss if I didn't pull out this little nugget-gem quote from our esteemed CBC bot: "....before we get to these two on trial."

Interesting choice of words. A passive aggressive approach to dehumanization, no? This is the most troubling part of Canadian "media". Since 2020, it's embrace of demonization and dehumanization rhetoric (again, imported from the U.S. funny how people like Graveland overlook and ignore this. Anti-Americanism swings one way for them).

Fin rant.

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Love your rants sir, they could be stand alone substacks.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Anyone still getting information from the CBC today should have their heads examined. It cannot be defunded soon enough and even that can't possibly repair the damage they've done to this country.

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CBC has betrayed its original mission as a public broadcaster. In my view, the CBC was a pretty good public broadcaster during many decades of my life that began when I was born in Toronto in 1951.

The CBC is no longer a public broadcaster. It is a state broadcaster devoted to producing spin and propaganda that serves the agenda of the ruling party. The CBC should be eliminated because it has strayed so far from its role as a public broadcaster. The CBC should be brought to an end in its present form with the understanding that the we the people of Canada will deliberate among ourselves to find a way to return to the ideal of creating a shared vehicle of public broadcasting.

Not all of Canada's nationwide communication system should be based around privately-owned, for-profit companies. Imagine a new sort of CBC that incorporated networks of social media in and around reporting on news and public affairs. Imagine a system open to public input that genuinely reflected the diversity of Canadians from sea to sea to sea; a system that would become an engine for the building of a decent country where our national sovereignty could find expression as we take our rightful place among the community of nations.

The mental breakdown that overwhelmed the CBC was long in the making but it became catastrophic beginning in 2020 with the manufactured COVID crisis. In the open letter below to the CBC Ombudsman, Jack Nagler, I tried to deliver an SOS indicating that something was really going wrong with the public broadcaster. I wrote the following trying to do my part to save the CBC from its life-menacing withholding of vital information on public health. How many have died or are injured because of the CBC lies and crimes that have disfigured the state broadcaster so horribly. The CBC was once a source of national pride. Now it is an object of shame and national disgrace.


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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

I'm currently re-watching The Newsroom and wishing it were fact, not fiction.

In the absence of trustworthy media, people who stand up for truth and are willing to speak out are increasingly important.

Thank you.

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Jul 29Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Amazing work, Gord. Your letter to the CBC ombudsman should be immortalized somewhere in the Museum of the Defunct CBC long after it is gone. Alongside Mr. Graveland's reports on the trial, in the "Final Days" section of that museum.

Wishing you a successful visit in Lethbridge and a full exoneration for the Coutts men. Though even that outcome would not be the just one. That ship sailed two years ago.

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They replied to me first thing this morning.

Stay tuned.

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Jul 28Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Prosecutorial Misconduct perhaps?

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Autonomous Truck(er)s

Tony Olienick, Chris Carbert, Jerry Morin and Chris Lysak... these men are unsung heroes. But I think that is about to change...

While saying my morning prayers, and thinking of the Coutts Four the other day, I suddenly felt inspired to quietly sing, Oh Canada. I've never been that patriotic... but somehow, thinking of the Coutts Four while I was singing gave me a new understanding of our anthem that I've never had before.

The past few years have been hell, not least for these brave men, but they are the Men of the Future. Thanks for another update, Gord.

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Poisson and Graveland this shit just keeps writing itself. The CBC is poison and let’s hope they end up in the graveyard of the lame stream media. I couldn’t bare to listen. I could barely stand reading the little I needed to. What a complete fucking imbecile.


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