Solid analysis that Canadians should be sitting down to read and reflect on how we got here.

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Brilliant!! I recognized Sheldon Wolin’s inverted totalitarian analysis halfway through. Chris Hedges books “Death of the Liberal Class” and “American Fascists” predicted all of this years ago as well. Sadly to my horror.

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I read Bucks article yesterday. Very lucid writing. Following him now

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Great headline. Even better analysis. Will Trudeau resign?

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No, he’s too deeply narcissistic and beholden to globalist handlers.

He’s going to run the clock out and then accept a position with some WEF adjacent organization and probably leave Canada.

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Definitely agree with the first portion of your article and will add one piece for you Technical Canada became a Republic when Queen Victoria died when Section 2 of the BNA was removed from the BNA this removal was reaffirmed in the Constitution Act of 1982.

Calling Canada communist is at total odds with calling us Fascist To be Communist we must be governed by the people not the corporation as is a fundamental of Fascism. Looking deeper at our non government I would say we are ruled and manipulated by not just fascists but also Technocrats and we are undergoing a rebirth of Technocracy Inc an organisation from the 30's/40's and Elon Musk's maternal Grandfather was the leader in Canada. Musk with his control of power in the US is caring out Grampas aim of creating a Technocracy Government. Interesting that for 250 million of money supplied by Grants to Musk he has now "bought" the US government

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When I was in high school in the 1980s, a popular refrain was "America is a fascist state cloaked as a democracy' among civil libertarians and 'old school liberals'. My high school had three American born science teachers - two of whom were draft dodgers. We got an earful about American politics. We sorta dismissed them as left-wing draft dodging hippies but in the end the 'pony-tailed civil libertarian' who sounded like a 'conspiracy theorist' was more on point than not it appears. But I won't get into American corruption here. Suffice to say, 'the long march through the institutions' is from the theorist Antonio Gramsci who's worth a look-see.


Another popular line was "Canada is the 51st state'. Nothing Trump is saying is new. As you stated, and I was going to write, he's saying the quiet part out loud. Except, me and a buddy (who happens to be a director in foreign affairs today) used to argue in class that Canada was the 51st state - part tongue in cheek. The official term, I came across my many readings over the years was, that it's a branch plant economy. A fancy way of saying 'colony'.

EVERYONE knew America protected Canada. I had a client of mine who served in the Canadian military as part of a 'peacekeeping' force in Serbia in the 90s. He told me the Serbs didn't respect Canadian armed forces. The only way they would listen is when the Canadians would radio in the Americans for a hand (they were captured and tied to poles at one point) and a simple show of force of bombers flying over the area would be enough of a signal to set the Serbs straight and release hostages. Hence my. "peacekeeping is only as strong as the power that backs it'.

Canada is an illusion. It's a G7 country but acts like a colony. How can a country with 21 000 full time soldiers and 21 000 part-time be taken seriously? NYPD has 33 000 active duty officers. NY's NG is roughly 16 000. Let's be serious here. And now all of a sudden they're talking about "protecting" the Arctic? We make no sense.

It's a NATO mooch. Worse, in recent years it's become a belligerent neocon puppy mill. Canadians call for the bombing of countries but then stand back and expect the Americans to do the bombing. This is not a serious country.

2020 opened my eyes. I knew Canada was mostly an all talk no action lazy ass aloof country but, gosh darn it, it was my country of smug and insular loud mouth'd shnooks. I took for granted we had a strong Charter, property rights, institutions committed to the security and freedom of our country including a fair judiciary and commitment to the rule of law, due process and just basic understanding of LIBERTY.

We have none of those. We have a system that protects the elite within it. It will NOT protect the civil liberties of its citizens. In fact, we're not free citizens. We're enslaved subjects to the King and his Euro-trash bloodline.

Canada was created, basically, as a business write-off. The people who happened to be here were handed a piece of real estate blessed with natural resources. We managed the affairs of the Dominion fairly well. But given we're neighbours to the most powerful economy and military engine in world history, you'd think we'd at least be the second largest economy. But hey. Canada. Splendid mediocrity. And proud of it. 'We take care of our own' here. Except during Covid. Then it was all bash anyone with a free mind and unethically steal their civil liberties. We didn't repatriate our "constitution" until 1982 for the love of God. And even that ended up becoming a shit show.

We have the bells and whistles of a democracy but we are in fact a "post-national state with not core identity" as Justin put it. I would add a quasi-kleptocracy open for business. Basically, we're whores to highest bidder. Quebec's specialty.

I'll close with two things. Thankfully, the conservatives did two things that helped slow down the identity political train wreck that's the Liberal party. First, they demanded they hand over documents to the RCMP (another over rated bunch who serve their political masters and not Canadians) pertaining to the STDC scandal which potentially can be the biggest scandal in history. The Liberals responded by handing a redacted version. The CPC said it wasn't enough and as a result, the Speaker had to suspend activities. The CPC haven't budged. The country has been in gridlock since November and what this means is no bills will NOT get past. That includes 63, 290, and 293. We dodged that bullet - for now. And with Parliament now closed and the ante going up a notch with the NDP saying they will vote non-confident and the CPC now asking the Govenor-General to dissolve Parliament, it further keeps the Liberals pinned down. In this way, the system is working to keep a despot from furthering his powers. Ok, I'm rambling now.

My final thought is a story about Ben Franklin. During the Revolutionary War he came to Quebec with the hope of rallying French-Canadians to fight alongside side the rebels. As I understand it, the peasants were about to join until the Catholic Church stepped in and stopped it. Franklin observed at being shocked at the overall lack of ability to think in the abstract among the French-Canadians since they were at the time mostly an illiterate population. He returned to American empty handed and somewhat dismayed.

Nothing's changed in Canada. Read our media and our 'intellectual' classes. It's stunted and stale faux-nationalist regimist gibberish. Though I'm heartened to see there are Canadians fighting the good fight. So forgive me if I'm a little harsh and frustrated with the general malaise.I think the problem, though, runs deeper than Trudeau. He's just a symptom of a bigger problem. In some ways, we should thank him for exposing the major weaknesses of our political process - and ultimately who we are as a "country". We have some maturing to do.

I hadn't paid much attention to anything Canadian since i left high school focusing my attention on American politics - especially when I joined the Reason magazine community. 2020 brought me back in and it was from the 'outside' looking in did I finally see what this country is made of.

Papier marche.

Sorry for the length.

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This was a really good read and I appreciate your work to help inform Canadian's. The Honourable Brian Peckford wrote a great piece as well and stated in writing that Canadian's are not bothering to even participate or pay attention to the political process to which has deminished our democracy. In the Federal Riding by-election that was in British Columbia , the riding of Cloverdale -Langley City , (Concervatives won) and the Provincial one that was in Alberta , the riding of Lethbridge -West. (the NDP won). He stated that 80% of the people in those ridings did not bother to vote. This is another reason the politician's feel free to destroy our democracy's as most people do not pay attention or even vote. Sadly this is why they have also been able to co-op the country. We can also be our own worst enemy.

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So the thesis is: Canada is a post-national fascist state?

Okay; but I'm confused still what exactly that is supposed to mean and why it matters (other than, we're supposed to be mad/upset about it?).

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To my mind it means that any official theatre to the contrary should be ignored, and we ought to give deserving credit to out political operators, which is to say - none.

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It seems to me that political operators in a post-national fascist state are still going to be just as worthy of credit, or unworthy, as the case may be, as the same in a non-'post national fascist' state. But I still don't know what exactly a 'PNF' state is supposed to be, what is wrong with it, wherein exactly it goes/has gone wrong, what alleged political norm exactly it is supposed to be deformation of. Are we to just assume that 'liberal dumbocracy' is the sacred norm that we must somehow seek to resurrect? In any case, I think we need something more constructive to go on than pure cynicism towards political operators (as richly deserved as that may often appear to be!).

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