Thanks Gord for covering this. You are doing excellent work, and the Supreme Court ruling from October extending publication bans to coverage of pre-trial motions is a sort of "orange light" for those of us in Canada trying to keep the story alive. As I assume there are either $$$ fines for breaching the publication ban, as the court and/or the Crown may allege.

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The Supreme Court of Canada can kiss my expat, First Amendment protected ass.

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I heard your podcast with Trish Wood -- On the Fringe. Great interview. Glad you got to discuss the Coutts 4 in some detail. It was also great the way you went after the mainstream media for their willfully ignoring a story that should be front page news everyday those guys spend in remand. I find it surprising that more indepentent media aren't covering it other than that young fellow Mocha. Rebel News seems to have a bee in their bonnet -- Levant in particular because they guys fired the lawyers he had provided for them because they didn't get them bail. Well I'd have fired them too. But True North has also been totally mum on it and Blacklock Reporter as well.

Anyhow, back to the Coutts 4, I was particularly interested in the confidential informant issue. Is that what that sealed envelope is all about? It was my understanding that somehow the the defence received this material via a disclosure from the Crown -- it was a portion of material the Crown had intended to redact but didn't.

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Hey Gord, I was just commenting to Cindy Sheehan about what's going on these days, I mentioned the Coutts 4, it got kind of long winded, so I decided to write an article instead.

So I had mentioned the over 625 day imprisonment of the Coutts 4, then logged onto my email, and whoah! Here you are. Listening now.

FYI: There's a young man, a journalist named Mocha Bezirgan, who was covering the Freedom Convoy in '22, think he might have been embedded with one of the truckers, and he is also trying to cover this situation.

Mocha has been driving back and forth from his home to the Lethbridge courthouse, on bad roads, however he cannot publish anything that's going on inside the court room, due to a gag order.

No other Canadian reporter has been in that court room, covering the latest "bail" hearing, which is now on hold until December 11th.


Anyway, will let him know about this interview, STAT.

Edit: Linked this post to Mocha's 2 X, accounts and have posted it to mine as well.

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Update: Oopsie! Didn't read your article prior to diving into Jaclyne's compelling, and chilling saga Gord, which I just finished, whew, what a ride, but I'm skimming now and see you already know exactly who Mocha is! ❤

"Godspeed" to you too Gord, thanks for talking to Jaclyne, and to you Jaclyne, you Amazon Warrior Woman, if you're reading comments: I don't do FB, like EVER, but will try to find a way to connect, and do what I can to help out.

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"...he cannot publish anything that's going on inside the court room, due to a gag order. No other Canadian reporter has been in that court room..."

This is shocking and nauseating. No wonder I never heard about any of this. The Canadian government and media are colluding to silence, punish, and even torture citizens for opposing the regime? And the U.S. is doing the same thing? And both are getting away with it" What are we going to do?

I found the GiveSendGo page https://www.givesendgo.com/G9HX4 and made a small contribution, but it is pitifully little to do. Surely we must do more to oppose evil and injustice.

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No one I know had heard about this.

Really disturbing.

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This woman has an amazing attitude given what she is up against. It makes me sick what the 'Trudeau government is doing to them. And make no mistake it is them. Someday somewhere they will pay the price for this evil deed. So sorry they didn't open the envelope. It is the card in this house of cards that the Trudeau government has tenuously built to justify the Act.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/is-the-poec-freedom-convoy-ruling

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I was going to post a piece on my Substack, however Trish Wood has done so.


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