In Discussion with Trish and Tommy - two podcast appearances about insourcing "Truckers" to North America
Good Morning all, and Happy Sunday
A quick note to share two recent podcast appearances with you, both of which explain and build on my recent Truckers Tikka Masala essay which is part of my ongoing writings about why the trucking industry is being subverted from within, and without.
Speaking of that essay, it is now my second most read piece I’ve ever published here - it seems to have resonated with a lot of people, and has generated a great deal of positive replies in the comments section, and also a good chunk of hate mail from people. Interesting that the hate mail never addresses any of the facts or points I make in the article, but only insinuates I’m some kind of bad person or secret racist.
My good pal down in Gulf Coast Texas, and OG Louisiana Swamp Creature
You can find Tommy on Twitter -
And yesterday, my comrade in supporting the Freedom Convoy and telling the truth about it, former host of CBC’s The Fifth Estate and Grande Dame of the long dead institution of investigative journalism in Canada,
You can find Trish on Twitter -
I forgot to mention a couple of critical nuances on Trish’s show, one being that the fake driver shortage begets a real one of legitimately skilled and experience operators who are never produced because of the retention problem. I hear about that a lot from small fleet owners, and thought I better apologize in advance; truckers can be like dogs with a bone, and get hung up on a point real quick.
If you aren’t a fan of Spotify, Substack, or Apple, you can get both shows on the wonderful, free to use and totally free speech PodCasting 2.0 platform, PodVerse.
Appearance with Tommy -
and with Trish -
While we are here, you ought to check out the trailer for the documentary film Trish is working on - The Trials of Tamara Lich
If you have any funds to spare, her project is a worthwhile investigation into how the Canadian Government blew millions of dollars and a great deal of its support by persecuting the lead participants of the largest peaceful protest in the history of the country.
Thanks for listening, and as always, this Substack and the Voice Of GO(r)D podcast are free to you on the Value for Value proposition - if you find this valuable and you have any excess Value to share, please feel free to upgrade to a paid subscription, or if that is not in your budget, send this to your trucker friends or anyone else interested in the business - word of mouth is the best advertising, and it doesn’t cost you anything to give.
Questions, comments, suggestions, corrections and Hate Mail are welcomed and strongly encouraged -
Important, relevant discussions to help people understand how things work in the world. Thanks for helping us keep our eye on the ball. And Happy New Year.
Thanks for coming on. Trucking is a microcosm of the corporate takeover over our economy. As long as cheap foreign labour is pushed on us without our consent and in order to drive profits for the elites -- we will not be able to pull ourselves up. That this idea is embraced by Elon Vivek and others in the MAGA movement is horrifying. I agree with Steve Bannon on this.